Four years ago, I went for a swim...
I waded into the Pacific Ocean, just off the Rancho Santana Resort in beautiful Nicaragua...
I waited for the
perfect wave... and started to bodysurf.
But in
one short moment... something went terribly wrong.
A giant wave caught me in its curl, flipped me upside down and pounded me to the ocean floor.
My whole body went numb as wave after wave pushed me down.
Frantically, I tried to swim, but my body wouldn’t react.
I was drowning and there was
nothing I could do about it.
That’s when my friends Lou and Carl came running from the shoreline.
They dove into the ocean without a second thought and dragged me from the water. Like guardian angels, they saved my life.
That brief moment in the ocean changed everything.
By the time they got me into the emergency room, the truth was already agonizingly clear...
I was paralyzed.
As you can see, I no longer enjoy the mobility to bodysurf like I used to.
But I assure you, the miracle you’ll see in a moment is well worth the wait.
This is one of mankind’s most radical scientific breakthroughs ever witnessed...
One under-the-radar company has found a way to make the
permanently disabled walk again.
When you see the
proof Oxford Club researchers have discovered, you’ll see why they say this company’s stock should explode an estimated 15 TIMES in value... launching from $4 to $65 a share over time.
This is a “tipping point” innovation... Millions of disabled folks like me have been waiting for the next leap forward, and this is it.
With this device, I no longer need a wheelchair – I’m up and walking around.
Not just walking... but exercising... even kicking around soccer balls.
In short, when I’m wearing this carbon fiber “superhero suit,” it’s almost like I’m
me again – the guy who used to ride 100 miles on his bicycle.
It’s giving me a real chance to get my life back.
And it’s not just me... but also the 375,000 people with spinal cord injuries this year... and the 10.2 million who suffer a debilitating stroke.
Plus many of the 3.6 million U.S. veterans who are currently disabled... and the 110 MILLION disabled people worldwide.
My point is...
Spinal trauma from car crashes, on-the-job accidents, birth defects, combat injuries – this single medical device can help treat it ALL.
Millions of people are going to take their first steps after years of being confined to a wheelchair or a walker.
It’s a true miracle – making the disabled walk again.
I used to have a very active lifestyle – biking hundreds of miles across Pennsylvania, working on the solar panels around my home, turning wrenches with my son on his old Porsche.
The prospect of getting that life back gives me a divine feeling.
And I know the millions like me with debilitating injuries feel the same way.
A farmer in Iowa City was injured on the job... Doctors told him he’d never walk again. But 10 weeks later, he stood up and walked.
A British soldier who was shot and paralyzed stood up on live TV and walked across a CNBC soundstage.
A firefighter who was injured from falling debris said, “I was impressed from the moment I stood up by how effortless the machine is.”
UCLA scientists used it on a man who was paralyzed for four years... With this new device, they reported the “
completely paralyzed man voluntarily moved his legs.”
Just like these people, I was amazed from the moment I put the suit on.
My friends and colleagues have been astounded watching me learn to walk again...
They love the company just as I do.
And since I began using it, I’m not the only person who’s fallen in love.
Julia Guth, our CEO & Executive Director here at The Oxford Club, took a particular interest in my recovery and the company behind it.
Once she saw how it worked for me, she told me plain and simple...
“Dave, your story is one we must tell Members of The Oxford Club.”
I agreed with her.
I’ll let her tell you more about this company... and why she’s determined it could be one of the greatest stock stories of this decade.
The Most Jaw-Dropping Investment
We’ve Ever Seen!
Hi, I’m Julia Guth, Director of The Oxford Club.
I’ve been here since the very start of organization, 26 years ago.
In fact, I was the one that hired Dave… and we hit it off from the very beginning.
Just like him I love the outdoors. I spend time on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and love exploring the mountains and rivers of Virginia and West Virgnia.
I was also instrumental is starting the resort development project on the Pacific in Nicaragua, as well as the nearby non-profit health Clinic.
I was there when Dave had his accident.
It was devastating for all of us to see one of the most talented, athletic, and competitive outdoorsman instantly lose function of his body.
I can’t imagine the mental anguish and physical pain for Dave. I do know his wonderful attitude and competitive nature have greatly contributed to his recovering.
Dave has inspired us all.
Where most people would quit or fall into despair, Dave has been a living testament of human endurance.
Not just to me... and those of us here at The Oxford Club... but to our Members as well.
I’ve been amazed by watching him stand and walk again.
My own curiosity led me to take a deeper look at the company that designed Dave’s unique “superset.”
And once I started digging, I knew this was something we had to share with you.
The company behind this miracle fits the bill
perfectly for what we recommend at The Oxford Club.
We love that it changes people’s lives... allowing them to walk again and regain freedom.
It’s also something you can
feel good about being a part of.
And from an investment standpoint, it’s one of the most breathtaking opportunities I’ve ever witnessed.
The sales projections are staggering... enough to potentially increase the revenue of the company as much as 100-fold.
We’re talking
thousands of these suits rolling out of the factory and into the hands of people across America.
Instead of seeing veterans in wheelchairs or elderly folks using a walker... you’ll see them walking through malls, supermarkets and restaurants.
As The CEO of the Club, I’ve signed off on some breakout success stories like this before...
I remember when Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld told me about Celldex. It was one of the first companies able to target specific genes in your body and rid it of
Celldex launched from $5 a share... to more than $30 per share.
A gain of 419% for Marc’s readers.
I signed off on another one of Marc’s picks called NPS Pharmaceuticals. It developed specialty drugs for rare disorders.
A special play showed our Members gains of 550%.
I remember when the Chief Investment Strategist of our organization, Alexander Green, told me about Intuitive Surgical, a company that made heart surgery safer and
easier to recover from.
Intuitive has gone from $6 a share... to more than $693 a share.
An exceptional stock gain of 11,450% over time.
My point is, we have a long history of recognizing the
right biotech at the
right moment.
In fact, after investigating today’s company, I went back to Dave myself. I told him this bluntly: We need Members to know about this opportunity.
I think this is a perfect investment... capable of returning 1,500% or
more over time
Dave’s revealed to me that he loved the company so much, he’s already invested in it.
He’s told his friends and family about it too. And with the unquestionable benefit it’s provided to his quality of life, it’s one he’ll surely be holding for a long time.
When I asked him about it, he called it a “forever stock.”
Obviously he’s a big believer, and through my own analysis, I’ve become one as well.
When I show you the investment potential of this medical “miracle,” and I don’t use that word lightly, your will hit the floor as mine did.
So let me take you back to where this all began...
A Miracle 10 Years in the Making
It was 2005... in a small room on UC Berkeley’s campus...
Three scientists in the robotics and human engineering lab came up with an idea...
They were going to create a super-light carbon fiber suit that would make whoever wore it SUPERHUMAN.
The suit could carry 150 pounds on the user’s back and it would feel light as a
Not only that, whoever wore it could walk for miles without the usual fatigue...
And like they are for Superman, injuries could become
Word quickly got out about this new supersuit.
The U.S. military and contractors such as Lockheed Martin came to see it in person.
They planned to use it to help soldiers carry their gear through mountains and deserts.
Since then, this company has received more than $35 MILLION from the Department of Defense.
But after their prototype’s breakout success, these Berkeley scientists realized the suits could have an even more important application...
If an able-bodied person could become
stronger with this suit, then what could it do for disabled veterans?
Here’s how it works...
This Suit Can “Predict” What a Disabled Person Wants to Do
Spinal injuries are very complicated.
Injuries to the lower back might cost a person the use of their legs.
Hurting the middle or upper back can take away mobility from the chest down.
And as you probably know, once someone is paralyzed, it’s painfully difficult to help them restore their previous range of movement.
But the thing is... even if you’re paralyzed, your brain still works just as well as it did before your injury.
The problem is your body doesn’t react to the commands of your brain.
But with this lightweight superhero suit on, your brain can command it to do the physical work... and it can allow you to walk again.
Using computer software, it
predicts what you want it to do.
Say you’re sitting down... and you’ve just put the suit on...
The suit will
understand that you’re sitting down... by reading your body’s posture.
When you want to stand up, the computer then engages the motors in the suit.
There are four motors in all – one at each hip and one at each knee.
Just like your joints, they bend and react.
And suddenly... you’re standing just as you once did.
I want you to see this for yourself. Here’s Dave at his rehabilitation clinic in Allentown, Pennsylvania, standing and walking with the suit.
But Dave’s not the only one experiencing this joy of walking.
It’s happening to people all over the country. Darren Mumford suffered a gunshot wound to his spinal cord in the British military.
He was wheelchair-bound for nearly three years.
Not anymore... he recently walked across the CNBC soundstage on live television!
Christina Anderson was 31 years old when a drunk driver slammed into her car. Nine years ago, doctors told her, “You won’t walk again, no matter what.”
She has completely defied all odds. Now she’s up and walking and proving she can do anything!
John Gosford was a California police officer before he was paralyzed from a motorcycle accident.
Even though he’s been using the technology for only a short time, John’s already standing and walking.
And to think this breakthrough is only in its infancy. It’s only going to get better with each passing year. And so will Dave’s progress.
Paralysis researchers at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation said, “It’s spectacular. For the first time ever, there really is hope.”
Dr. Richard Krieger, director of the stroke program at Marianjoy Hospital, uses this equipment at the hospital. He said, “Really, this is the way medicine is going. It needs to constantly evolve.”
UCLA distinguished professor Dr. Reggie Edgerton said,
Army doctors at Walter Reed Hospital are also adopting it for disabled troops.
Sgt. Darren Ramirez was injured in a bomb blast in Afghanistan. He was paralyzed from the waist down.
But with his new suit, he’s up and walking again.
Six-time Olympian Ali Van Den Berg severed her spinal cord in an ATV accident...
Arizona Daily Star said, “What she cannot do, the machine does
for her.”
30 medical centers across the country are using it right now... Soon it could very well be hundreds... and then thousands.
The benefits for disabled patients are limitless.
This Suit Pays for Itself
First off, being confined to a wheelchair is very hard on your body.
It increases the chance of blood clots and affects your blood pressure.
It also reduces the density of your leg bones, causing them to atrophy.
But this suit helps cut down on all of those problems.
It allows patients to slowly strengthen their nervous system, muscle tissue and bone strength.
This is a huge reason medical professionals love it.
Just consider: More than 375,000 people injure their spines each year.
Treating disabled people runs up a bill of $260 BILLION.
You have to find caregivers and therapists... schedule weekly doctor visits... and remodel the patient’s home for life in a wheelchair.
Then there’s getting around the house... dealing with the discomfort of a life sitting down... traveling anywhere.
It’s tough.
But this technology has the chance to help end all of that.
The fact is... disabled people like Dave have been waiting for something like this for a long time.
And they’re not the only ones benefitting from its invention.
Think of construction workers, for example... they lift heavy materials and tools all day long.
They’re also some of the most prone to injury.
Take a look at this “construction suit” that gives them superhuman strength.
It can help workers carry up to 200 pounds, alleviating pressure on the arms and lower back and potentially saving workers from long-term injury.
Construction tool makers like Dewalt may even soon be able to attach their power tools to these suits.
For the companies that buy it, the suit is a worthy investment. It pays for itself in one to two years by increasing productivity and preventing accidents.
BMW has plans to outfit its workers with these suits. It told reporters, “Safety is improved, there is less fatigue and job satisfaction goes up. So we see lots of potential.”
The bottom line is simple...
Workers’ comp costs companies $77 BILLION each year... They’ll gladly pay a one-time fee for this suit to lower that.
So how much money can this company stand to make?
The potential sales figures are absolutely staggering.
30,203% Market Growth in the Next 5 Years
Right now, the wearable robotics industry is in its beginnings. It’s worth about $16.5 million in sales.
That’s right, more than 30,000%.
Why so much growth in so little time?
Because up until this point, this technology was merely in its test phase. All the work was being done in research laboratories and test facilities like the one at Berkeley.
It wasn’t ready for the mainstream.
But now... rapid advances in robotics are finally making it workable.
In short, it’s the absolute perfect time to get in.
Now here’s what you need to know about this company.
The market cap is about $80 million and it sells for just around $4 a share. A breakthrough like this at $4 a share is enough to get any investor excited. This is an early-in opportunity to watch your money explode in value very quickly.
Of course, high reward also means high risk, as small stocks can be volatile. But if things go as we expect, you’re likely sitting on a blockbuster.
You’re at the perfect crossroads of a company that’s established itself... but hasn’t seen its biggest growth yet.
I’d say
doubling your money is conservative at this stage...
Here’s why...
This Suit Isn’t Just a Miracle...
It’s Also Cost-Effective
Each paralysis-defying suit costs $100,000.
That may sound expensive at first, but consider...
According to the Christopher & Dana Reeve foundation... a major spinal injury can cost more than $1,000,000 in treatments just in the first year.
Each subsequent year can cost more than $184,000.
When you think about how the costs of rehabilitation can add up over time...
Spending $100,000 on the suit, to help rehabilitate the patient and potentially give them back their mobility is a
better deal.
Not to mention the potential to severely cut caretaker costs... It’s actually a potential savings for the patient.
375,000 people could benefit from these supersuits this year alone.
That equates to around $37 billion in revenue.
With more than 1 million disabled vets in the U.S. alone... that number could swell to $100 BILLION.
Even if we’re conservative, imagine an $80 million company collecting $10 billion... $20 billion... or $30 billion...
You can see why we believe this company could launch from $4 to well over $65 a share in the future...
The fact is... it only gets better. It has virtually zero competition in this space and 17 airtight patents.
Patients and doctors all over the world love to work with this company.
It now has operations in England, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden. It’s handling its growth perfectly.
It has only $180,000 in debt and more than $4 million in cash on hand, so it’s smartly managing its assets.
After recently landing three military contracts, it’s positioned to nearly double its 2015 revenues.
And best of all...
It’s the ONLY company with FDA clearance. It received the seal of approval in April this year. It’s full speed ahead now.
I think that you can agree that all the pieces are in place for this to be a breakout company.
Getting in today gives you the chance to ride it from $4 a share... to $65 a share and beyond!
Here’s why you need to move quickly...
Get In Now as This Company Gets “Upgraded” to the Main Stage
Because this company is small... we can only let a small serious group get the details.
As the stock is just $4 a share, you can understand why we can’t share this with all 100,000 Oxford Club Members.
Now that the stock has gone from the “pink sheets” to the Nasdaq’s capital market, the next big move could be right around the corner.
Just consider what happens to innovative companies when they get upgraded to a major exchange like the Nasdaq.
Advaxis is a medical technology company just like the one I’ve shown you today.
Before getting listed on a major exchange in 2013... it sold for just $0.04!
After it got uplisted to the Nasdaq... it went from $0.04...
To $25 a share... in two short years!
That’s a gain of 62,400%!
I believe this company’s big moment is right around the corner.
Because with
today’s opportunity, you’re getting the best of both worlds: an exciting new company that’s expected to be added to a big liquid stock exchange.
A One-of-a-Kind Outline for Buying and Selling This Company’s Stock
Here’s the bottom line...
I want you to be there as this stock climbs from $4 a share to $65 a share and capture that 1,525% return... perhaps even a 7,500% or 10,000% return... and make more money from a single investment than you’ve made in your life...
Now, as with all investing opportunities, nothing is guaranteed – and stocks don’t always behave the way we expect. But there’s simply no denying the awesome potential here...
So we’ve put together an investment briefing called “
The End of Paralysis: The Easiest 15-Bagger of All Time.”
This isn’t ordinary stock research. This report reveals detailed sales projections for this supersuit. And it will also show you how the stock should react in the days ahead.
With this report, you’ll be able to track the stock as it climbs from $4... to $10... to $20 in the months ahead, as if you already knew it would happen.
If you want to get in
right now and have this report available to you, please give us a call right away. We’ve briefed our team on this situation.
Our VIP Trading Services team number is 443.353.4537. Any questions you might have about this opportunity, they can answer.
But there’s only one way you can make that happen and get in on this budding 15-bagger.
Here’s How to Get In on “The End of Paralysis: The Easiest 15-Bagger of All Time”
Let me remind you that this company just received FDA approval in April. Now we believe it’s about to enter a period of
explosive sales.
We have a very small entry window.
Remember, 375,000 people
will tragically injure their spines this year.
Of course they will want to walk again, and they’ll rightfully demand access to these suits.
Once sales start rolling in from medical centers, military contractors and construction companies, I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw this stock regularly move 10% or 20%
in a day,turning every $2,500 investment into $3,000 before
the closing bell.
We’re talking serious moneymaking potential each day going forward.
But with such big profit potential on such a small stock, this is not the type of company we can recommend to all of our subscribers.
We would risk moving the stock too high too quickly.
So this opportunity is reserved ONLY for those in our
highest level of membership here at The Oxford Club...
The Chairman’s Circle.
As you may know, The Chairman’s Circle is for the elite of the elite.
It’s for people who want to
ensure their financial success in life, not leave it up to chance.
It’s for the type of person who knows you don’t become wealthy by accident... but by following a plan and sticking to it.
Dave was a Chairman’s Circle Member before he started working here at The Oxford Club.
He loved profiting from the research... and the “bootstrap” mentality.
The work we publish inspired him so much that he eventually contacted us and interviewed for a position.
Bringing Dave on was one of the best decisions I ever made at The Oxford Club.
And I know he would say the same thing about his Chairman’s Circle Membership.
He’s seen firsthand how the Club has rallied behind him in support... and I speak for many of us when I say he’s
Today we want to extend that same support to you. We want to enhance your life with The Chairman’s Circle.
This single decision guarantees you access to our report on the company
ending paralysis.
But beyond that...
It also gives you all of the stock research and VIP services we publish for the rest of your life – at
no extra cost.
You’ll Be a Member of the 1%
Before You Know It
You can profit with Alexander Green’s VIP strategy of following the insiders.
Collect triple-digit gains from Marc Lichtenfeld’s exciting “Lightning Strikes.”
Dave will even show you a rare trade in the energy markets that’s happened only
twice in 85 years.
My point is that you get
everything The Oxford Club publishes after today.
Think of it like this: Instead of “renting” an individual subscription, you’re going to “own” all of them.
Our goal is to provide you with the resources that can take all your financial concerns off the table.
We have experts on taxes, real estate, art collecting, insurance, estate planning, rare coins and virtually anything you could need.
And as a Chairman’s Circle Member, you’ll have special access to all of it.
And you’ll have it for your entire life. You can even pass it on to your heirs.
If a son or granddaughter decides they want to learn more about investing, you can take comfort in knowing that your Chairman’s Circle status is something they’ll have to help them out.
By joining our highest level of membership, you are truly making a decision that will alter the course of your family history...
Imagine... years from now, people in your family tree may even remember you as a “Rockefeller” of sorts... someone who single-handedly made their family very wealthy.
How do we plan on living up to that promise on our end?
To start with, you’ll get a chance to profit from the company that’s ending paralysis and helping folks walk again.
Quite possibly capturing gains of 1,525%... turning every $4 you invest into $65.
But beyond that... You’ll have every single one of our editors in your corner “working” for you on a weekly basis.
This Is the Easiest Way to Increase
Your Net Worth
I can’t tell you how valuable it is to have access to everything we publish...
It’s the easiest way to increase your net worth. Take it from these folks.
Ron Eberle in Texas has been blown away...
This is one of my favorites.
Bob in Virginia just bought a second home... “Because of The Oxford Club’s approach and Alex’s diligent hand on the helm,
my wife and I closed on a second home on the Outer Banks of North Carolina! Thank God I found The Oxford Club and Alex Green. It just made it simpler for me. I can’t overstate how good the advice and wisdom has been.”
Even with a small amount of starting money, we can help you achieve your goals faster than you thought possible.
Greg Hughes in New Zealand said, “I am a small investor and I just invest $2,500 into each recommendation.
With even this small amount, I am ahead more than $90,000. And I really enjoy doing it.”
Your spouse... your children... everyone in your family will notice the benefits of joining The Chairman’s Circle.
Earl Sanders is doing just that. He said, “Because of your advice over the past few years,
I have been able to buy two new cars and have planned a trip to England next year with my children and grandchildren. I have closed
out positions for gains of more than $100,000. Alex and The Oxford Club have given nothing but great advice.”
Each of these people was once in your position... trying to decide if The Oxford Club’s highest level was meant for them.
But I can tell you...
If financial freedom is on your list of goals, The Chairman’s Circle is by far the best way to accomplish it.
The first thing we’re going to give you is our research on the company that is ending paralysis... which could multiply your money by 15-fold or more. Plus you’ll get every resource we offer...
Not for a year... or five... or 10... but every single year for the rest of your life.
Here’s a rundown of what that looks like...
Starting with our newest service that’s not available to anyone else but Chairman’s Circle Members...
Based on the Undefeated Pattern – It Had 307 Winners and Zero Losses in the Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns
VIP Benefit #1:
Chairman’s Circle Breakout Alert
It all has to do with a unique stock chart pattern...
Investor’s Business Daily called it “A Thing of Beauty.”
William O’Neil, author of
How to Make Money in Stocks, says it’s “the strongest of patterns. Many stocks can skyrocket 200% or more.”
And in fact, the world record holder for stock gains, Dan Zanger, called this single pattern “my favorite.”
He turned $11,000 into $18 million in a year and a half, which was proven when he showed his tax returns to
Fortune magazine.
The point is, no chart pattern comes close to the power and success rate of the “Undefeated Pattern.”
Which is why earlier this year, Marc launched our first-ever Chairman’s-Circle-only service around it this year.
And it’s very easy to use...
When you see this pattern form in a company’s stock chart, you buy it.
A study on this pattern was even conducted in the
Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.
It found that “none of the stocks” that exhibited this pattern “failed to rise.”
That was in a study of 307 stocks.
Even better, the average “breakout” gain was 69% every 39 days.
That’s what Marc aims to achieve with
Chairman’s Circle Breakout Alert... to alert you when the pattern shows up, so you can ride what Marc calls the “Ultimate High.”
Collect a 69% gain in 39 days just six times in the course of a year, and it’s enough to turn every $10,000 into $232,980.
Professional traders have made
even more than that.
Like world-famous investor Marty Schwartz. He used it to set a national record, turning $40,000 into $20 MILLION.
Imagine becoming a millionaire... from a simple pattern you can plainly see.
This service is not available for ANY price to the general public.
This service is reserved
exclusively for Chairman’s Circle Members.
Marc actually
insists on it.
That’s why, if you join today, you’ll be part of a
very limited group that receives these recommendations in
Chairman’s Circle Breakout Alert.
And that’s only the beginning...
You’re going to receive more than $30,000 in benefits today when you step into The Chairman’s Circle.
Including every single recommendation from our acclaimed Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green.
$39,037 Worth of Yearly Research... Starting With Our Chief Investment Strategist, Alexander Green
VIP Benefit #2: The True Value Alert
Say the name “Alex Green” to a fellow Oxford Club Member and they’re likely to smile and tell you how much money he’s earned them.
Before coming to The Oxford Club, Alex worked on Wall Street for one of the
biggest investment banks in the world.
Some of the accounts he oversaw ranked in the tens of millions.
And during this period, Alex learned perhaps the most powerful investment secret of his career... something passed down from Benjamin Graham... to John Templeton... to current billionaires like Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn and Seth
Alex calls it “The Most Profitable Strategy in the History of the Stock Market.”
And it works like this...
When a company is selling for $10 a share... Alex can use this secret technique to determine if it’s actually worth $20... $30... or even $50 a share, helping you take advantage of the market’s “mispriced” stocks.
The very first time Alex used this strategy, he handed Members a 272% gain on a special play with Apple.
It’s also produced returns of 211% on Aflac... 341% on On Assignment... and 295% on Vodafone.
Warren Buffett once chided the foolishness of people who ignore this type of strategy and said, “Even if you show them the results, they still don’t believe you.”
But with Alex sending you his recommendations each week,
you will believe.
These Members certainly do...
Mike Gorman absolutely loves
The True Value Alert. He said, “There cannot be a better service. If Alex recommends a stock, I look at it and I buy.”
Lukas Othkelm let us know he was sitting on more than $11,000 thanks to Alex. He said, “My net gain to date is $5,015... My open positions currently have a net gain of $6,160.”
The retail price for
The True Value Alert is $4,000... but, of course, as a Chairman’s Circle Member, you get it completely free.
This unique strategy isn’t all Alex picked up during his time on Wall Street...
Once It Was Reserved for Wall Street Insiders, but Now Anyone Can Get Rich This Way...
VIP Benefit #3: The Insider Alert
Nobody knows a business better than the executives that work there.
So when they’re buying up shares of stock... especially if it’s millions of dollars’ worth... you should ride their coattails to huge profits.
That’s the sole focus of
The Insider Alert.
With this service, you can follow insiders to gains like...
- 786% on Walgreens...
- 161% on AGCO...
- 1,248% on CVR Energy...
- 480% on Hain Celestial Group...
- 260% on Bank of America.
Bill Casey, one of Alex’s subscribers down in Florida, can’t get enough of
The Insider Alert.
He wrote, “I signed up for
The Insider Alert about nine months ago and I have been astounded! 195% and 368% - the results have paid for my membership many times over!”
The Insider Alert retails for $4,000.
But it’s yours free when you’re a Chairman’s Circle Member.
(That’s $8,000 so far in yearly research. Plus access to services that can’t be bought for any price.)
There’s still so much more Alex is going to give you...
Imagine Owning the Biggest-Gaining
Stocks on Wall Street
VIP Benefit #4: The Momentum Alert
You’ve probably seen websites like Yahoo Finance, where they show you the biggest-gaining stocks of that day.
Imagine if you knew which stocks were going to end up on that list... beforehand.
The picks Alex makes in his
Momentum Alert are essentially as close to that as you can get.
He’s developed a system to pinpoint the fastest-moving stocks right as waves of institutional money start driving prices higher.
He can tell you
beforehand when these stocks are likely to move.
50 stocks in the entire New York Stock Exchange pass the test... and only one or two out of that group get Alex’s “green light.”
Look what happens to the recommendations that
do meet his strict requirements. They see gains like...
- 801% on Sam Adams Beer
- 764% on Under Armour
- 663% on Skyworks Solutions
- 549% on LinkedIn
- 370% on Chipotle Mexican Grill
- 175% on Ross Stores
- 158% on T.J. Maxx.
Momentum Alert is one of the most popular services here at The Oxford Club.
As one Member so rightly put it, “Who can complain about a 125% gain... or a 300% gain... Thanks for the GREAT work!”
Just as we do for Alex’s other VIP services, we charge $4,000 for this service.
Of course, that’s for
non-Chairman’s Circle Members.
Today, as a new inductee of The Chairman’s Circle, you’ll receive all three of Alex’s VIP services and your special report, “
The End of Paralysis: The Easiest 15-Bagger of All Time.”
(That’s $12,000 of yearly research.)
Plus, you’ll have access to Marc’s
Chairman’s Circle Breakout Alert, which is only available to our highest-ranking Members.
And that’s just the start of the work you’ll receive from Marc.
If you’re a fan of exciting, fast-moving winners, his next service is perfect for you...
This Strange Phenomenon Makes “Dead” Stocks Spring to Life...
VIP Benefit #5: Lightning Trend Trader
Marc has found something completely new in the stock market...
He calls them “Lightning Strikes,” and these strikes bring seemingly “dead” stocks to life.
His system for identifying them is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
Just look at what they did to this stock called Inovio Pharmaceuticals after the stock did nothing for months...
It jumped 455% the moment the Lightning Strike event hit.
As I mentioned earlier, Marc also recommended Celldex.
To the untrained eye, the stock hadn’t done anything for a long time.
Marc told Members, “watch for a Lightning Strike... It’s coming.”
Look what happened next – shares launched from just $5... to more than $30.
Two of our Members, Bryan and Camille Lawford, made SO much money from this recommendation... that they traveled to Zurich, Switzerland, to thank Marc
personally at an investment conference. They’ve even bought a second
home in Florida!
Imagine what you’d be able to afford if you were making four and five times your money from plays like these.
Each week, Marc will tell you which stocks are likely to get hit by these Lightning Strikes
This is one of our most popular services here at The Oxford Club. Members write in all the time...
- Rob Schaffer could barely contain himself: “499.67%... YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!”
- Longtime Member Bob Edmunds took home more in a single trade... than some folks make in a year. He wrote, “Thanks again...made $40,600.”
- Tom Hernandez told us, “Here’s a noisemaker for you... Overall gain 650%. Not too bad!”
The retail price is $4,000 per year for Marc’s
Lightning Trend Trader.
But it’s yours free.
As you can see, you’re accumulating quite a bit of value here...
And I think you’ll love what we’ve arranged for you next...
Marc Built a Supercomputer That Beat the Broad Market by 1,624%...
VIP Benefit #6: Oxford Systems Trader
Marc has leveraged supercomputers to create the ultimate edge in trading.
In short, it can
predict which stocks are likely to be winners.
The same gentleman who designed Bank of America’s and Morgan Stanley’s supercomputers worked with Marc on his system.
Here’s how it works...
The program (codenamed S.T.A.R.S. for Stock Trading Analytical Research System) starts out by tracing more than 20 billion stock market data points, including sales growth, trading volume, selling and buying pressure, book value
per share, and cash flow versus debt.
In less than six seconds, it sifts through thousands of publicly traded companies – something no human could ever do – and pinpoints the very few in perfect position to rise.
This computer dominated the S&P 500 by 1,624% in a routine beta test.
In 2014, Marc used the computer’s stock picks to help produce an average payout of $1,390 every 10 days.
Imagine if you were collecting nearly $1,400 every 10 days like that.
By the end of the year, you could have more than $50,000!
$5,500 retail, this service is one of our most expensive and prestigious research services.
But from this point forward,
it’s yours free for life.
You’ve got more than $21,500 worth of benefits so far.
Don’t forget, this also includes getting the research on the company that’s helping Dave walk again.
Speaking of Dave, you’re going to be receiving his service too!
Dave Fessler Beats the Markets With His Energy Picks
VIP Benefit #7: Advanced Energy Strategist
He’s always had a knack for technology- and energy-based companies.
He recommended Cheniere Energy when it had a monopoly on exporting natural gas. That stock returned 146% for Dave’s readers.
He was one of the first people to know about SolarCity, Elon Musk’s pet project, and led his readers to 130% returns.
Year to date, Dave’s research service is outperforming the S&P 500 by 251%.
So when Dave finds a situation developing in the energy markets, it pays to listen...
All of his research goes into his alert service,
Advanced Energy Strategist.
It’s the perfect complement to your special report today.
Normally it would cost you
$1,100 a year to receive Dave’s research service.
But along with everything else we’ve mentioned today, it’s yours for life at no extra cost.
(That’s more than $22,600 worth of yearly research so far, yours completely free.)
And that brings me to one of our most exciting adventures here at the Club...
Great Profits and Great Adventures With “The Indiana Jones” of The Oxford Club...
VIP Benefit #8: Gold & Resource Profit Hunter
If the word “explore” ignites even a spark of your imagination, this next service is built for you.
Our Editor Sean Brodrick has a simple philosophy when it comes to gold and metals: You need to see it to believe it.
If you’re not careful, you can invest in a company that only
talks about its gold and doesn’t produce it.
So Sean sets out all over the world, from Mexico to Chile, from the Arctic Circle to Australia’s Outback. Anywhere there’s a shiny metal or a precious commodity, Sean’s not far behind with his backpack and gear.
And it pays to know where in the world Sean is...
Like when he found a way to get a stake in gold from the Congo for the equivalent of only $287 an ounce...
Or when he spoke at an investment conference in
Carlsbad, California, where he revealed 15 metals and mining stocks, all of which have been winners. His picks have beaten the S&P mining index by 8-to-1.
First Majestic Silver was one of them. Year to date, it’s returned more than 360%!
Gold & Resource Profit Hunter is one of our newest services here at the Club. It’s valued at $4,000.
But you can have it for life, completely free, when you accept today.
(That’s more than $26,600 worth of yearly research, yours free.)
I know we’ve covered a lot so far.
But this next service is something I know you’re going to want to see.
You Can Collect $56,744 Without Buying a Single Share of Stock...
VIP Benefit #9: Oxford Bond Advantage
Steve McDonald, The Oxford Club’s Bond Strategist, has developed an income system where the money is owed to you BY LAW.
These are no ordinary bonds that Steve recommends. They’re found
only in a special sector of the market.
Unlike stockholders, you know
ahead of time how much money you’re going to make.
In the past, he’s been able to put together a list of companies that could pay out $56,744 in interest!
Once you sign up for this unique “interest program”, these deposits will automatically post to your account.
Steve’s readers love how stress-free it is to collect this money.
Longtime reader Roberto Hernandez told us, “At 82, I knew I needed more balance... now I just relax and wait until it comes time to get paid. Simply put, this is a matter of trust, and you have mine.”
Adam Baumann has 13 different sources of income. He wrote, “Steve, thanks again for the GREAT JOB you are doing for us.”
Even if you’ve never bought a bond in your life, it’s easy to get started with Steve’s
Oxford Bond Advantage.
It retails for $4,000...
But today it’s free for the rest of your life.
That’s more than $30,600 in research.
That should give you all you need to keep profiting on stocks, options, bonds and precious metals.
But there’s still so much more you’re getting today...
Matthew Carr’s 2,733% Record-Smasher
VIP Benefit #10: Prime System Trader
Matthew Carr is one of our most celebrated editors.
In fact, I personally gave him top honors for the best track record here at the Club.
And for good reason...
His VIP service
Prime System Trader does what many consider to be “impossible.”
It actually
times the market... down to the exact best day to buy or sell a stock.
Most people would dismiss that idea altogether, but Matthew’s results speak for themselves.
His subscribers have seen gains of 752% on Netflix... 900% on Hershey... and 1,034% on L Brands...
You don’t get consistent returns like that by getting lucky.
Matthew set an Oxford Club record by “timing” the market this way... bringing home a 2,733% gusher on Columbia Sportswear.
In 2015, his service was one of our best performers, crushing the market’s average return by 1,478%.
As a Chairman’s Circle Member, you’ll receive Matthew’s $4,000 research service... FREE for the rest of your life.
$34,600 and counting...
That also includes Matthew’s newest service, which is perfect for the market we’re in right now...
Bull or Bear... This Is How You Pick the Right Stocks Every Time...
VIP Benefit #11: The VIPER Alert
This year, the Dow has hit record highs... but many investors are uneasy.
That’s why now – when stocks are expensive – it’s more important than ever to pick the
right stocks.
That’s exactly what Matthew’s
VIPER Alert focuses on.
His VIPER system creates a sort of “road map” to the markets.
This map not only tells him when individual stocks will GO, but also when they will STOP...
It reveals to him when bull markets begin... and when market corrections will hit.
This ultra-safe system has shown his readers gains like...
- 117.5% on Abiomed
- 152% on Monolithic Power Solutions
- 324% on Fortinet
- 380% on Gigamon
- 554% on Shutterstock.
I promise you, after understanding the VIPER system, you will
never look at a stock the same way again.
The VIPER Alertis valued at $4,000.
Instead of paying $38,600 per year for all of this, you get it at
no extra cost.
Imagine winning big on a stock that soars 100%...
As you saw from our editors’ track records, you’re likely to see a long string of blockbuster winners year after year...
As you’ll see, everything we do here is backed by 20 years of the most credible stock research in the world.
Our Monthly Newsletters, Straight to Your Inbox for the Rest of Your Life
It all started with our flagship newsletter,
The Oxford Communiqué.
This newsletter is consistently ranked as one of the top financial newsletters in the country.
The amazing thing about the
Communiqué is that over the last 20 years, it’s delivered a return SIX times that of the average investor and three times better than that of the S&P.
We beat the broad markets. We beat the average Joe.
Our open recommendations are some of the best you’ll ever see. You’ll have access to all of them the minute you join.
The point is simply that reading the
Communiqué and acting on its recommendations is the easiest way to beat the market each year.
And you’ll have access to these recommendations for the rest of your life,
completely free of charge.
You’ll also receive Marc’s monthly newsletter focused on retirement and generating safe income,
The Oxford Income Letter.
It identifies the best safe havens for your money... everything from dividends to bonds to unique REITS and MLPs.
His goal is to give you double-digit income yields even in a zero interest rate environment.
It has outperformed the S&P by more than 8.5 times over a six-month period. So it’s perfect for investors who don’t want to be at the mercy of the markets.
It retails for $129 per year. But along with everything else today, it’s yours free.
Chairman’s Circle Members also get a lifetime subscription to
Oxford Resource Explorer.
Sean Brodrick will introduce you to groundbreaking new discoveries in the world of energy and rare earth metals.
It’s been one of our best-performing newsletters in 2016... And it could get even better with the rebound in oil and gold.
As a bonus you’ll also get lifetime access to
Investment U Plus, a publication from the educational arm of The Oxford Club.
Each week, we’ll give you a crash course in our editors’ favorite investment strategies.
Add up everything I’ve talked about today and you’re looking at a WHOPPING $39,037 in yearly benefits.
For a
tiny fraction of that cost...
You can join The Chairman’s Circle today and receive all of it – for the rest of your life.
INCLUDING the company that’s ending paralysis... a 15-bagger waiting to happen.
That recommendation alone could pay your sign-up fee and leave you with
thousands extra.
Now, I know I’ve covered a lot of benefits.
Again, we’ve got you covered.
We’ll Help You Structure These Benefits Exactly How You See Fit
Our Chairman’s Circle Weekly Briefing is an easy-to-follow email with everything going on at the Club and all of our VIP Services you’re entitled to.
This includes an overview of new recommendations and updates on current holdings. Our goal is to make everything extremely simple and straightforward.
We’ve also just created a new benefit for Chairman’s Circle Members that allows you to manage these subscriptions.
It’s a website where you can manage which subscriptions you receive by email at any time.
So if you just want to profit with Alex and the insiders... and take home some nice dividend checks with Marc... you can set your subscription to focus only on those alerts.
Again, we’ve made it easy to customize your Chairman’s Circle Membership however you wish.
If you prefer to speak with someone directly,your Chairman’s Circle Liaison, Kiara Laughran, is happy to help.
And there’s another benefit I want to tell you about that you won’t find anywhere on Wall Street.
Investor Briefings Not Available to the General Public
In The Chairman’s Circle
Private Interest, you’ll find alternative investment opportunities like private art auctions... exciting new business ventures... and unique real estate deals.
For instance, a few of our Members were able to book 500% gains by getting in early on an ocean-front property deal we arranged in Nicaragua.
I’ll show you that beautiful estate in just a moment... and why you’re invited to stay there for a discounted rate.
There’s a myriad of travel perks I’ve arranged for our Chairman’s Circle Members.
Your VIP Travel Benefits, Including Two Free Nights at a Private Resort
Part of this lifestyle is enjoying all the experiences the world has to offer.
This means we invite our Members to join us at five-star events.
We recently booked a Wealth Summit at the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa in California.
Last July, we invited Members to the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Quebec City.
In the past, we’ve had a reception at a royal palace showcasing a private art collection...
And locals-only tours of the church in St. Mark’s Square in Venice.
I also mentioned an exclusive ocean-front property in Nicaragua we encourage you to visit...
In fact, we’ll give you 20% off your stay at The Inn at our Rancho Santana resort (pictured below).
This private oasis is one of my favorite places in the world, and it’s unlike any place you’ve ever visited. For a discounted rate, you will enjoy paradise.
As you can see, we extend VIP treatment to our Chairman’s Circle Members.
In fact, as you’ll see in a moment, I’ve arranged to send you something very special.
Don’t Take My Word for It – Take It From Real Chairman’s Circle Members
It’s a big decision to make. That’s why you shouldn’t take it from me alone.
You should hear it from
real Chairman’s Circle Members.
Take Jeremy Kraus, for example. Just like you, he was deciding whether he should make the jump to becoming a lifetime Member.
My decision to join could not have come at a more opportune time,” he said. “I’ve already experienced returns to cover the cost of upgrading to Chairman’s Circle.”
Not only did Jeremy quickly cover the cost to join... but he also told us, “I’ve made six times the cost of membership. It was like you gave me a membership and a nice pot of money to start.”
Jeremy is living proof of the power of Chairman’s Circle Membership.
So is Member Robert Clarkson.
Rob told us, “
I decided to join Chairman’s Circle in 2004. I have had so many successful investments that I’ve since repaid the membership many times over. The Oxford Club has changed me as a person and an investor.”
Even professional money managers rely on The Chairman’s Circle.
One of our Members, Charles Johansen, is a financial advisor.
He told us, “I manage $150 million for affluent individuals at an investment firm. In spite of a multimillion-dollar research department, I use my Oxford Club subscription extensively in managing my high-net-worth clients’ money.”
If someone in charge of $150 million trusts us, I hope you can too.
So here’s what’s going to happen next.
An Incredible Deal...
That Just Keeps Getting Better
With a one-time sign-up fee, you will get
everything I’ve mentioned today...
Huge discounts on investor reports...
Subscriptions to all of our VIP services...
A discounted rate for a stay at our private resort in Nicaragua...
Members-only get-togethers at five-star resorts...
Discounts on services from Oxford Clubaffiliates...
Access to our Pillar One Advisors...
Your own Liaison with a private phone line...
PLUS the opportunity to make 15 times your money on the company that’s helping Dave walk again.
For a total package costing more than $39,000
per year, what would you be willing to pay for a lifetime of these benefits?
I think people would
gladly pay that. Just consider...
If you invested a $100,000 portfolio into
The Oxford Communiqué’s recommendations starting in 1996, that money would have grown to $813,328.
On the other hand... if you settled for putting that $100K portfolio into the S&P, you’d have just $469,687.
quite a difference. Over $340,000 in profits.
I know many people would be willing to pay $20 grand or more for the opportunity to grow their portfolios that fast.
But how much does the one-time fee to join The Chairman’s Circle
really cost?
Nothing close to any of those figures.
The Chairman’s Circle comes at a cost of $7,400 total.
It’s a big-ticket item, to be sure.
But I should remind you... Once you’ve paid the fee, you’ll never have to pay a single subscription fee again for anything I’ve outlined in this letter... Even if you continue as a Chairman’s Circle member for the next 50 years, you’ll
get everything we’ve talked about, plus many new benefits and services we plan to add in the future.
The only cost is a small $125 maintenance fee each year to cover the increasing cost of mailing, customer service and expanding technologies.
I think you’ll agree that’s more than fair.
But today is a special occasion.
It’s not every day someone
walks again after a crippling injury.
We want you to be able to claim a big stake in today’s company.
So to help you get started, we’re going to take $1,000 off the price today.
Instead of $7,400...
You’ll pay just $6,400.
With that extra $1,000 in your pocket, you could do anything you wanted. You could even use the savings to potentially get a solid stake in this company.
If shares jump from $4 to $65, as we suspect they will, your profits will single-handedly recoup the cost of your new elite membership.
That $1,000 could quite easily turn into $16,250.
twice the cost of membership.
I think you’ll agree that’s more than fair.
A one-time payment of $6,400
... for $39,000 worth of
yearly benefits...
All of this is yours when you click the “Join Now” button below and get started.
Here’s Everything You’re Getting Today
Once you decide to join, we’ll immediately send you our full Chairman’s Circle Welcome Kit right away.
And starting immediately, you’ll have access to
every single service we offer.
And last but certainly not least, we’ll be sending you our special report, “
The End of Paralysis: The Easiest 15-Bagger of All Time.”
As this stock climbs from $4 to $65, you’ll feel as if you
knew it was going to happen.
That’s how valuable the information in this report is.
Even if you
only invested that extra $1,000 savings on your membership today, you could see it grow 1,525% over time.
I truly believe this could be one of the best investment opportunities you’ll ever participate in.
I know I speak for everyone at The Oxford Club – including Dave – when I say how excited we are to have you join The Chairman’s Circle.
Other Members have called it the best investment decision I ever made.
And I assure you, you will feel the same way.
This is your first step toward achieving extraordinary wealth.
I have absolutely
no doubt that in the next year, you could see your net worth increase dramatically.
Click the Join Now button below and you can review everything.
On behalf of Dave Fessler and myself, thanks for watching. We’ll see you in The Chairman’s Circle.

Julia Guth
CEO & Executive Director
August 2016